Today I posted on my facebook status that I have the most adorable granddaughters in the world. After this declaration, several people posted back, begging to differ.
Seriously though, it's true.
Case in point.
Today, despite staying up WAY too late into the wee hours of the morning last night, then hearing said adorable grandchildren running around the house, long before I was truly rested, I utterly couldn't resist DRAGGING myself out of the sack, CRAWLING down the stairs and shaking myself from a catatonic state, just to see their beautiful and cherubic little faces.
I was immediately greeted with an enthusiastic: "NANA!!!" from Sophie!
Her face bathed in a euphoric smile, she ran to me, jumped into my arms, threw her arms around my shoulders and gave me the toddler version of a death squeeze of love!
Honestly, WHO can resist such a thing?
Surely, not me.
Most of the day long she followed me around, hoping to be carried here and there... and for that matter, everywhere... all the while, I marvel at her innocent love. She couldn't care less that I might be a flawed human being.
At times, she takes my face into her hands and looks deep into my soul with those incredible Gerber baby eyes.
Despite my utter exhaustion by the end of the day... I find myself behaving like a helpless slave, reading the same books over and over and over again, smothering her face in kisses, and taking her (on my hip) where ever she wants to go.
We swing on the tree swing.
We feed bread to the chickens...
and carrots to the horses...
and milk to the kitties.
We rock in the hammock.
We splash in the whirlpool.
We clap and cheer together.
Which brings up another point.
Is there anything more precious than the look on a toddler's face when they've learned something new for the first time?
I clap for her and say: "Yay, Sophie!"
She looks at me with those giant eyes and that cupid smile, claps and says: "Yay, Nana!"
Oh my gosh!
So, despite what anyone else thinks, I know it is true. I have the cutest grandchildren in the world, in the universe... even to infinity... and BEYOND!
Almost nothing can compare to their little angel kisses, the happy joy on their faces, the sound of their laughter and the innocence of their wonder!
Once again, I feel an incredible sensation, one that I have missed for so long.
It starts like a little whisper of joy and quickly increases in intensity to a sublime and perfect euphoria.
Brief as it may be, I feel as though I am once again the center of a little person's universe, and they are the center of mine.
It may only last a few days during their all too short and fleeting visits but...
It is always AWESOME!!!
At the end of the day, they reluctantly go to sleep with tears and tantrums (...I let their parents deal with this), after which I crawl back to my beautiful, soft and lovely bed... where I drop off... into a deep coma... and dream happy dreams until the next day...
when we start it all over again.
And life is, once again, grand.